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Surgery Day!!!

I injured my knee playing soccer at the end of August.  I saw a bunch of Dr.'s and had an MRI and then learned that I had a medial meniscus tear and needed to have surgery to fix it.  Last Wednesday, I FINALLY had surgery (early actually thanks to my husbands connections at Kaiser - thanks Jason!) It went great, and I am well on my way with my Physical Therapy - I feel SO much better!  Can't wait to get back out on the soccer field!

 Off I go...
They wheeled me down to the surgery room and about 30 seconds later I think I was out - all I remember is meeting all the people who were going to be helping with the surgery, my Dr. came in and then I asked for some pictures from the surgery - which I should get next week :)  Next thing I know I was waking up.  The nurse said after surgery I slept for about 45 minutes and then woke up smiling.

 My first food - mmmm delicious saltines - I thought they were SO good!

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