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Miraculous Marcus

Living on a busy street with our dogs we have always known there was a chance one or both of them may someday get hit by a car. It finally happened to Marcus - the situation couldn't have been prevented - a total accident the car wasn't even speeding... And I am pleased to say that despite being run completely over by the front tire of our neighbors Toyota Camry he is just fine! I was sure he was going to have a broken pelvis and internal injuries but neither! He had some bruises and was sore for a couple days. We feel SO LUCKY and have been calling him our miracle dog!

Happy 6th Marcus

Easter 2013

Easter Sunday was the hottest day of the year so far and we enjoyed the day with both families! Great food, great company, egg hunts and sunshine - doesn't get much better.

Puddle Stompers 2013

Tyler and I did puddle stompers again this year with my Mom. Differences: no puddles (a complete shock) and it was more of an informative nature stroll. Tyler quickly decided the pace was far too slow and was saying, "follow me everybody" out ahead of the group. He wanted to run and see the river and the group was walking and looking for bugs under stumps. Still a fun morning.