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Good News

We had our appointment with the Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon today and got some very nice news. Tyler only has to be in his cast for 3 weeks. He may limp for a while after it is removed or even not use the leg for a bit but they are confident he will do just fine - as are we. He also got a new cast today. He had a bent-knee cast before and today our doctor recommended putting a straight-leg cast on so he could try and walk. I was so excited because I had noticed all the fancy color options on Friday but never asked if we could have them and therefore got the default: white. Today we chose green :) We saved the old one - it's adorable :)

The break may be difficult to see, to the untrained eye :), but it is a diagonal line, heading down to the right on the larger bone in the leg, the tibia. It is what is known as a Greenstick fracture or Toddler fracture. Google it.

Update on the leg

Update... he's still doing great! We went to a birthday party for our friend's Mike and Heather's son, Lincoln, did some grocery shopping and enjoyed our day :)

Day 2

As you can see he is doing well... we got a tiny "umbrella stroller" as I like to refer as Tyler's wheel chair to move him around the house easily. He's adapting great and we are ALL feeling better tonight... thanks to all who have called, emailed, texted and visited - we cannot thank you enough!

Well, it's broken...

We will remember this day June 24th, Tyler asked our nanny (may I add the best one ever - we are so lucky to have her in our lives) for one more trip down the slide at the park. He got his foot caught at some point and the end result was a broken Tibia. The words 'tough' and 'strong' are the ones we have heard the most, the dictionary describes them as follows: of great moral power, firmness, or courage...strong and durable...capable of great endurance; sturdy, hardy... and endurance simply described is the fact or power of enduring or bearing pain. This kid is nothing short of exactly these words.
I met Jacque at the urgent care and once we saw the nurse, we were sent to a second appointment - 2 hours later. Not knowing then what we know now, that the leg was broken, I cannot explain how amazing he was. I took him home, fed him lunch and then put him back in the car for our next appointment. He was actually kicking me, as he does with his soccer ball saying "kick, kick" with the broken leg, as I cleaned his hands after lunch. We were directed straight to radiology to get x-rays before even seeing the doctor where I had the extreme pleasure of restraining him on the table while they took the x-rays. After that, we saw the doctor and found out it was indeed broken. Tyler and I then headed out to the fracture clinic where they put a cast on him - another fabulous experience for any Mom and then finally home. The afternoon was such a trip... i was doing great, being the "strong Mother" and keeping it together. Afterall, I love medical stuff, seeing x-rays of broken bones etc... Well, it's a bit different when your child is the one the x-ray is of. I don't know how much I slept last night, and today it really hit me and I felt so emotional. I felt sad that he couldn't be the little boy that he is every day, playing with his basketball, kicking his soccer ball, chasing the dogs and cat around and not to mention putting! But after a visit from Dad and Tyler to me at work today, I turned a corner and was reminded of how resilient children are and how quickly and effortlessly they adapt to change, as they are continuously doing.
Tyler slept through last night, his first night with a cast, he then proceeded to have a happy day with Dad, napping as he normally does, eating great and all the while smiling, laughing and talkative as ever. He is doing GREAT, already learning to move about with the cast... Jason and I are adapting to our new routines with our non-ambulatory boy and we could not feel luckier to have him!

Fathers Day 2011

Once again, we did not bring our own camera for Fathers Day. We had a great afternoon with Jason's parents, my parents and Jason's sister and her daughter, Kamryn. Jacque helped Tyler make a very sweet picture frame with him doing a monkey impression and sporting his sunglasses and I helped him make Daddy a mug :) Marcus, Penny and Spencer all wrote very thoughtful messages to their "papa" in a heartfelt "pet-card". Happy Fathers Day Jason - WE LOVE YOU!

More images to come... please check back.

Fresh Water

I don't have a lot to say on this... Tyler saw the dogs drinking from the faucet to get nice, fresh, cold water and this is what we got.

Tips from Mom?

If you are reading this and you know me, then you know that I like my car clean... if you ask my friends, it's rediculous. I go to ride with someone and the apologies pour out... sorry my car is dirty... I was going to clean it but didn't get a chance... just move this stuff to make room... hey Sara looks like your car has a little dust on it - why don't you get out your car duster :) It's true I'm a bit of a "freak" when it comes to the vehicle I am driving and it's cleanliness... well, you can all blame my Dad. I remember learning how to wash my car... properly, from my Dad which has always been and will always remain, one of my most cherished memories with him. To some, that may sound insignificant, but I will say again, if you know me, you know WHY that is important to me:) Recently, I have been able to start Tyler's car care training and so far he is good at helping with cleaning the bumper and side door panels - pretty much anything about a foot an a half off the ground. I can't wait to pass on my Dad's expertise to him! Thanks Dad!

Just Like Daddy

Look closely and you will see Jason's cell phone and lanyard from his keys, which are in Tyler's pockets. Daddy's boy is stating it lightly...

The Putter

Tylers first connection to an object was to a golf ball... oddly enough :) He loved to hold them and showing him one would always make him smile. To this day it remains one of his most favorite objects. He loves to look through Jason's golf magazines and recently has been pointing to a picture of Lee Trevino and saying "Da Da." If you don't know golf, Lee Trevino is a retired hispanic golfer with white hair, so it is a bit humerous :) He has a real putter, yes a real one, now that he is mobile and is always practicing. He loves to watch golf, pointing to the TV and saying "gooolf" and can point out a golfer, a golf swing or a golf ball when showed a picture or seeing them on TV. Luckily our neighbors, Jack and Clairine, have a putting green for practice sessions :) See you on the tour... Jason and I will be wearing shades and waiting at the 18th with David Feherty for an interview.

Our Little Golfer

Drink Like a Doggie

Fun in the Sun

Our sunny days are so rare... Tyler is learning to live them up to the fullest! He also is a master of impressions... if we do something, he likes to imitate it... even the dogs :) Here a few pics of us enjoying some nice Oregon weather.

Park Trip

A nice day in April is SO rare and we tried to make the most of it by taking the dogs and Tyler to a little nearby park to run and play... it was a beautiful day and we had so much fun!

Mothers Day 2011

This Mothers Day I did a TERRIBLE job of capturing the day - in fact I never took out the camera. My Mom, thankfully did so we have a very weak representation this year - my apologies. We had both of our Mom's over, Steve and Jen, Kamryn and Justyn too. It was a full house! The day was perfect, I barely lifted a finger, spent a great day with family and to finish it off made a weak attempt in a pick up game of HORSE. We all took our very flat, womens basketball that I think I have had since high school down to the hoops and played for a bit. I never actually hit the rim :) Soccer was always my best sport. Tyler and Jason got some play time on a climbing structure and we all had a blast playing :)

Kamryn, with the attempt as Justyn skips over to apply some D

As you can see this shot is well short :) Nice attempt Sara - looking back at the films my feet were obviously too flat, all arms - no wonder :)

Jason and Steve