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How to Feed the Dogs

The other day I was home with Tyler and gave him some finger food to work on while I heated up the rest of his dinner. The next thing I knew he was cracking up laughing, I turned around and this is what I saw...

Pumpkin Exploration

This weekend we carved our first pumpkin! I cut off the top and let Tyler dig his hands inside to feel around. He didn't care for it at all, in fact when I gave him a lump of "pumpkin insides" to squish in his hands he picked it up and put it in the trash bag I had set out... that's my tidy little man! Regardless, we had fun doing it together and a pretty nice carving job by Mom if I don't say so myself :)

Kaiser Permanente

Recently, Jason had some photos taken at his jobsite... I have to assume that appropriate saftey measures were taken on site. Pretty amazing photo I thought.

Jason is the 5th set of legs from the end.

Bath Spaz

Tyler LOVES to have his bath and Jason does the most amazing job of making it super fun for him! He is just too funny lately from the gestures that he is learning to the funny noises he makes... this video captures it pretty good.... OUR BATH SPAZ

My Great Uncle and Aunt live in Pennsylvania and we don't get to see them as often as either of us would like. They were recently out this way for a wedding and we got to spend an afternoon with them. They were meeting Tyler for the first time and we had such a fun afternoon together.Tyler was looking through Grandpa Mick's magazines. He pulled them all off the coffee table and then ripped a few pages out that he was interested in :)

Tyler still wasn't quite on all 4's with his crawling yet, still army crawling around so Larry took some time out of canning to help teach him... he was up and running and crawling like a champ the next day - thanks for the help Larry!

Grace, Caleb and Tyler

Larry and Tyler

Growing so fast...

Tyler has been busy growing over the last couple months... he's been very busy learning to pull himself up on just about anything, crawling, learning a couple "words" and cutting teeth. He has 6 teeth now, 4 on top and 2 on the bottom. He points at everything and is saying "ba ba ba", "ma ma ma", "da da da" and "na na na". He occasionally will say "Mom" or "Dad" too which we love! He loves the color blue and anything that is in the shape of a ball. He prefers to walk (with assistance from us still) and likes to practice as much as possible. Another favorite for him right now is trees, if the wind is blowing the leaves he is absolutely captivated, he points at them, then looking at me as if to say, Mom do you see this?

Tyler helps me do just about everything, we were watering the dogs this day and he stood by to assist.

This is Tyler one moring... he usually wakes up and crawls around the house in his jammies for a while exploring. He is such a happy baby!

Snack time

He LOVES books, loves to turn the pages, hear the stories and point to the illustrations and say things to them.

He is also busy learning how to be a Seahawk fan!

Pumpkin Patch

Tyler's first trip to a pumpkin patch was a great one! We met up with Jason's family and spent the afternoon at a petting zoo, climbing a haystack and finally picking out our pumpkins. Tyler had a blast on the haystack with Kamryn and on the train that took us all around the farm looking at the animals up close and finding our perfect pumpkins.