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First Food

We chose butternut squash to be Tylers first food... he HATED it! He had about 3 bites the first night, and on night 2 he had about 5 or 6 and vomited it back up. The next day we gave him sweet potatoes and it's been food heaven ever since. He LOVES sweet potatoes and yams. These pictures are from the butternut squash night, his actual first bites... you can see how much he enjoyed it :)

Perks of the Job

Every once in a while, the Oregon Zoo calls and needs our (VDIC's) imaging services. Most of the time, we go to the Zoo and do ultrasounds, most recently on a polar bear and an orangutan. We have also had a wolf come in for an MRI in the past. This time, and ourangutan, Batik was her name, needed a CT and an echocardiogram (ultrasound of her heart). These animals travel with quite an entourage to keep them anesthetized adequately and give them the specialized care they need. Because of my recent ultrasound training I was fortunate enough to get to assist my Radiologist during the exam. It was very exciting, another experience I'll never forget! She is difficult to see in some of these pictures, she was under anesthesia and covered by heating blankets but if you look close you can see her arm resting on her head :)


So one thing I have wanted to do since I had Tyler was be able to walk the dogs and push Tyler in the stroller at the same time. I decided I just needed to jump in and try it. The dogs were better behaved when I had them both on leash while pushing the stroller than when I walk them without... again I am feeling very fortunte! So the four of us spent a nice afternoon up the road from our house in a grassy area where the dogs were free to run and Tyler and I could relax.

Tyler's Doggies

Now that Tyler can sit up he is having so much fun reaching out for things and the dogs have become some of his favorite targets.

Ice Cream Truck

Every summer we always hear that familiar song coming from the distance and we know - it's the ice cream truck! Well, here is what Marcus does when he hears it...

Taco Bell

I went through the Taco Bell drive through one afternoon, got a taco and went home. When I bring stuff inside after running errands, I sometimes lay stuff on Tyler's lap to get everything inside in less trips. I got inside, set Tyler down,went to let the dogs out and when I got back to him he had my taco :) thats our boy!

Fathers Day 2010

This was Jason's first "official" fathers day. My brother Doug was in town with his family and we had a great day with my family at my parents. This was the first time any of the Montana Peppmeiers met Tyler. He met his Aunt, Uncle and three new cousins. We were with Jason's family the following weekend at Jason's parent's for a barbeque where Tyler did some skinny dipping. The weather was beautiful!

Jason sporting his fathers day tie that Tyler "made" him at daycare

The Fathers

Doug and Tyler

Doug, Will and I at my Mom's "drive thru window"

Will and Tyler

Gary, Jason and Tyler... The Hunt boys

Skinny dipper

Another Milestone

6 months... he started sitting up on his own! We have been waiting for this for a while! It's so fun to sit Tyler down with some toys and watch him pick them up and play with them on his own. The tumbles are hard to watch sometimes, as he reaches for something and the weight of his giant head takes him over... but he's learning :) and growing up so fast!

The Buzz Cut

Tyler was born with a ton of curly hair. As time has gone on and he has learned to roll over, his hair starting falling out and rubbing off. It got to the point where he looked like he had a crooked toupe on. One evening I was carrying him around in the baby bjorn, staring at the toupe, and we decided it was time to buzz it, so we did. There were mixed reviews when people saw him for the first time and I heard a lot of "you did what?". We love it!

Marcus and Penny turn 3!

Marcus and Penny both turned 3 this year... hard to believe! After many chewed collars we decided they were finally ready for some "grown up" collars. Marcus now sports a leather Seattle Seahawks collar and Penny has a pretty leather and lime green rhinestone collar, hand made in New York! Happy Birthday puppies!