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Rice Cereal

So we just started Tyler on rice cereal with his milk. His first bite he wasn't too sure about the taste, the next few he was trying to figure out this "spoon" that had shown up and after a while he was eating like a champ. I let him play with his spoon and bowl afterwards and get good and dirty before clean up... he likes that too!

All Done... YUMMY!

Baby Baby Baby

Rolling Over Update

He's rolling over! He could already go from tummy to back but he recently has conquered the more difficult back to tummy. We have entered a whole new world, he can't be left alone, he just starts rolling like crazy... last night we woke up to him on his tummy in bed too!

Look Who is Holding His Bottle!

We have had a lot of change lately... Tyler is growing SO fast! He recently had his 2nd haircut, and as seen below he can now hold his own bottle.

Jason can hold his bottle too :)

My First Mothers Day

This was my first Mothers Day and what a beautiful day we had! We had really nice weather and enjoyed a relaxing day. We met our parents and my brother for a buffet breakfast and later in the afternoon we had a beer on the deck with Tyler, Marcus, Penny and Spencer... the whole family!

My Family... Steve, Mom, me and Tyler, Jason and Dad (we missed you Doug, Kelly, Will, Jack and Annemarie)

Jason's Family... Sue, Me and Tyler, Jason and Gary (we missed you Melly and Kami)

Penny wore my scarf that afternoon :)

The Trailer

Jason and my Dad have started a "small" project. They are building us a flat bed trailer. Jason has always wanted one and recently they began the process. They are building it from scratch doing all the drawings and welding themselves. I went with Jason last weekend and let the dogs play and Tyler and I cruised around the farm. It just needs some finish work and paint it and it should be done soon!

Dad getting ready to do some welding

Marcus, Lucy and Penny

Father and Son

These are some of the recent pics of Jason and Tyler... I LOVE MY BOYS!!!

Bumbo Time

Recently Jason had to fly to San Francisco for work for a few days. As a result, I now have the most respect for all the single working Mom's out there! I have never been so tired! One evening I was making my lunch for the next day and Tyler kept me company in his bumbo. As you can see he is teething :)

Our Nanny

Penny has always loved Tyler, since the day she met him! Both the dogs do, we feel so lucky that they are so good with him. Penny has taken it to a new level once again... here is her napping with Tyler and below as you can see we have taught her to change his diapers!

Spencer's Lounge Chair

Spencer has recently discovered that Tyler's bouncer makes a fantastic lounge chair for him... Tyler is happy to share :)