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Practice Makes Perfect

Every day we have Tyler practice sitting up to strengthen his little tiny muscles so he can learn to hold his head up and sit up on his own. We usually just sit him on our lap and hold him when we do it. Last week Tyler and I visited his day care and while we were there I got a great idea... prop him up in his boppy for practice... Today we tried it and he had a blast. He seemed so proud of himself!

(try and ignore my silly voices) :)

Marcus and Penny are thoroughly enjoying my time off with Tyler... they, like Tyler take a TON of naps... this was an extra cute one they took today :)

Superbowl Sunday

We spent Superbowl Sunday with Steve, Matt and Caleb at Steve's house in Sherwood. My Mom and Dad were there, Jason and I brought Troy and Steve's neighbors, Jen and Rob with their two girls Morgan and Mia joined us. We had a great crowd and had a great day! Thanks for having us Steve!

X-box 360 - all the kids got a chance to play :)

Jason and Caleb having a "funny talk" conversation


Matt and Caleb enjoyed seeing their cousin and took some time out of their busyX-box schedules to take some pictures and spend some time with him.

Troy spent a few minutes chatting it up with the crowd at dinner time...

Rob, Dad and Jason

I got a few minutes with Tyler... when he was crying :)

Jason, Penny, Troy and Tyler

Mom's birthday was on the 2nd so we celebrated today while we were all together... Happy Birthday Mom!

Steve let us bring the dogs... they were soooo happy to be with us for the day instead of staying home alone! Thanks Uncle Steve!

Our Growing Boy

Tyler is growing so fast! Since Jason has been back at work, Tyler and I have been very busy! There is a lot of milk to drink, diapers to change, errands to run, naps to take... and the list goes on :) He is so much fun! Lately we have been styling his hair. When he has his bath (which he loves) his hair is very curly. If we comb it one direction when it is wet, it dries that way and stays until the next bath, so we have been having some fun with that. He has started making new noises, smiling more often, and seems to be really "looking" at things more now.